How Do I Buy Managed IT Services?
In theory, buying managed IT services should be fairly simple and straightforward. But for many, that’s simply not the case. Why? Well, despite the market growing at an incredible rate, finding the RIGHT managed services partner is difficult. So how do you buy managed IT services? Is there anything specific you should look for or be aware of before you go ahead and invest your hard-earned money?
Consider the Price
Any investment you make comes with a price, but how much should you spend? We recommend finding an MSP that fits your budget, of course, but this doesn’t mean looking for the most “budget-friendly” option. In fact, we recommend steering away from the cheapest option you find. When it comes to your technology, “cheap” is never the way to go. Find an MSP you can afford, but instead of looking for the cheapest, look for the most value for your dollar.
This means your chosen MSP should be capable of handling the following important tasks at a rate you can afford:
- Offering support, whether remotely or onsite, when you need it
- Providing strategic guidance to help you achieve your goals
- Monitoring your network around-the-clock to detect any sort of issues
- Performing routine maintenance, such as patches and updates, regularly
- Safeguarding your sensitive data against cyberthreats
Ask the Right Questions
Next, it’s important to ask the right questions before signing an agreement. Price is important, but even more important than price is quality of service. Here’s a few questions we recommend asking:
Can I speak with any of your current clients?
Speaking with their current clients will give you insight into what it’s like to work with them. Make sure you’re talking about their response time, level of expertise, and whether or not they’ve stayed true to their word.
Is there anything that’s not included in our agreement?
You should know exactly what’s included in your managed IT services contract, but more importantly, you should know exactly what’s not included, such as after-hours support or consulting for projects.
How do you keep your staff up-to-date and trained?
Find out about any processes or procedures they have in place to keep their technicians up-to-date on what’s happening in the industry. This may include cybersecurity training, technology certifications, and more.
Partial vs. Full Managed IT Services
Lastly, think about whether or not you want to outsource part or all of the management of your information technology. Your chosen MSP should offer various plans ranging from a basic monitoring and maintenance plan all the way to a more complex plan that encompasses cybersecurity, backups, and more. Find out what they offer and consider your own situation before deciding whether to partially or fully outsource your technology functions to an MSP.